Schools hold an enormous amount of personal information – including such sensitive data as names, addresses, dates of birth, exam grades, and medical details of all staff and pupils. There could be serious consequences if it ever got into the wrong hands.
Data erasure specialists WEEE Technology are now able to help schools in London and further afield to meet their legal obligations when it comes to protecting the information they hold about any of their staff and pupils.
Since the first coronavirus lockdown there has been an increased demand to work remotely, so there is more data being stored electronically. This compound the requirement to make sure that when any asset such as a laptop is retired, any data on its hard drive is properly and permanently destroyed.
The Legal Position
Schools and colleges were better off than many other organisations when the new EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) were introduced in 2018. Thanks to the UK’s existing Data Protection Act, there were robust protection protocols already in place – pupils and parents had a right to know, and access, what information their school held about them.
GDPR did result in schools having to meet some additional requirements. They must now appoint their own data protection officers, and parents or pupils (depending on their age) must consent for any of their data to be passed on if it’s not going to be used strictly for school purposes.
One of the most important elements of GDPR is the right to be forgotten, so the data may need to be destroyed if the pupils or parents request it. Schools must also ensure that whenever they upgrade or change their computers, PCs, laptops and get rid of the old ones that they do not leave any information on them.
Secure Data Erasure for Schools from WEEE Technology
This is where data erasure experts WEEE Technology come in. We can securely erase your data, either at school or off-site. Our erasure process produces a certificate for every hard drive that is erased, providing proof that all the data has been permanently deleted. The schools will also receive a document that explains what equipment has been collected and services that have been carried out.
We use nationally and internationally recognised software to do this. In the UK we erase all data using WipeDrive software and the wipe pattern is HMG Infosec 5 enhanced – the recognised government standard for data erasure. If any of the hard drives fail to wipe, they may need to be degaussed. And if any of the equipment contains material which is classified as hazardous, then we will issue a Hazardous Waste Consignment note which will be sent along with the report.
We can erase data to any wipe pattern requested, although schools, like many businesses, opt for the UK government standard. And our services in the public sector are generally free of charge.
Getting in Touch with WEEE Technology
WEEE Technology aim to help all our clients with their computer disposal requirements whilst maintaining a responsibility to the environment. We are regulated by the Environment Agency as an upper Tier waste carrier, broker and dealer. We also have a T11 Waste Exemption Licence, which allows us to repair, refurbish and dispose of electronic equipment.
As well as data erasure for schools, we also provide corporate date destruction and IT equipment recycling in the London area. If you would like to know more about the services we offer you can contact us by following this link and filling in the online form or by calling us on 020 7859 4669.